Find Food Freedom and Transform Your Body Story

Individual Food and Body Confidence Programmes are tailored to meet your unique needs, supporting you in creating lasting change in your relationships with food and your body:

- Drop the struggle with challenges such as yo-yo dieting, emotional overeating, bingeing, food-related guilt and preoccupation
- Reconnect with your health without dieting
- Improve your body image
- Eat and live with more ease and satisfaction
- Free your energy for what really matters in your life

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • “I feel out of control around food and just want to eat normally and feel happy and healthy.”

  • “I feel guilty when I indulge in treats or comfort foods, which hijacks my mood for the day.”

  • “I want to change my eating habits, but it feels overwhelming.”

  • “I obsess over how everything I eat affects my weight.”

  • “I always eat whenever I feel emotional, anxious or stressed.”

  • “I don’t feel comfortable in my body and hate how I look.”

  • “I know what to eat but can’t seem to do it. I feel trapped in a pattern of ‘starting again' tomorrow.”

  • “I can’t get food off my mind - my life feels like it revolves around it.”

  • “Healthy eating means depriving myself of all the things I love!”

  • “I’m tired all the time and crave sweet things to pick me up.”

  • “I’m done with weighing, calories, macros and points but can’t seem to move on from restricting, measuring and analysing food.”

If your relationship with food and your body is affecting your health, wellbeing, or holding you back from your living your life to the fullest, you are in exactly the right place.


Whether you are here to shift difficult patterns around food, or you are seeking a sustainable alternative to dieting, an individualised Food and Body Confidence Programme offers the support you need, and will help you create a lasting foundation for your nourishment and vitality.

A Registered Nutritional Therapy and Behaviour Change Practitioner, I can help you redefine how you relate to food, reset your habits, and make peace with your body, so you can enjoy life with less worry and more freedom:

  • Understand and break through the barriers that have kept you stuck and battling with emotional eating, binge-restrict cycling, yo-yo dieting, or ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking around food.

  • Develop sustainable wellness habits based on an authentic understanding of your body and your needs, so you can find pleasure in nourishing yourself, free of guilt or fixation.

  • Draw on qualified, personalised nutrition advice to support your energy, mood, hormones, digestive health, and overall wellbeing - without information overwhelm or restrictive rules.

  • Reconnect with your body in a way that feels attuned and trusting, cultivating a deeper appreciation and respect for your body as it is now, whatever your shape, size, age, or stage of life.

A Food and Body Confidence Programme is about transformation through self-connection and self-compassion - not control, willpower, or quick fixes.

There are three different Food and Body Confidence Programmes depending on the level of support you require:




Refocus is a lighter support option, ideal for those looking to re-ground their approach to food, work through one to two specific challenges, or make some impactful adjustments over a shorter period.

  • A preliminary Mind.Body.Food Review to assess and prioritise your needs and a 2-hour Health Mapping Session

  • 3 consultations (up to 1 hr15 each), spread 2-3 weeks apart

  • Plus more - see ALL the below*

    £290/month for 2-months (£580 in total)




Reconnect is ideal for those looking for a more in-depth process of change. My signature service, we immerse ourselves in a complete, holistic approach to eating and self-care, exploring and addressing the seven core dynamics of a healthy relationship with food and body.

  • A preliminary Mind.Body.Food Review to assess and prioritise your needs and a 2-hour Health Mapping Session

  • 2 consultations (up to 1 hr15 each) per month, with weekly check-ins

  • Plus more - see ALL the below*

    £350/month for 4-months (£1,400 in total)





Realign is structured for those who know they have a longer way to go to with their health, habits and relationship with food. The extended time period also allows flexibility for people with busy schedules to pace change over a period that may be more manageable.

  • A preliminary Mind.Body.Food Review to assess and prioritise your needs and a 2-hour Health Mapping Session

  • 2 consultations (up to 1hr15 each) per month during the first 4-months, then 1 per month during the subsequent 5-months, with regular check-ins in-between

  • Plus more - see ALL the below*

    £250/month for 9-months (£2,250 in total)



  • A comprehensive, integrative blend of personal coaching and support, including tailored nutrition guidance where beneficial

  • Access to your own client hub where you will find a follow-up note after each session including a recap of action steps and your resources

  • Unlimited support on email / messenger during working hours

  • Practical skills and reflective activities - a ‘toolbox’ you will have for life

  • Recommendations for tests to check nutrient status and imbalances that may relate to mood, energy or gut health (optional)

  • A bespoke natural supplement plan (optional) - supplements themselves are an additional cost but available at 10% off RRP

  • Nourishing meal inspiration, recipes and planning tools

Nourishing confidence: Over the past ten years I have supported hundreds of clients, helping them make lasting changes to how they relate to food, what they choose to eat and how they care for their bodies. One-to-one support is the most effective path to helping you get where you want to go


“I knew a fair amount about nutrition but had a few psychological things holding me back from putting it into practice. Sarah’s sessions dealt with the emotional barriers I had so she could re-connect me with eating well.”
— Sarah Windrum
“Safe to say Sarah has had a hugely positive impact on not only my health but my outlook on nutrition, life and wellbeing.”
— Aneesha Johal
“Sarah has a really special approach. She wants to know about you, your life, your habits, your emotions before discussing your diet. Actually, she won’t give you a diet, she will give you an opportunity to change your life.”
— Camila Hardy


Consider me your personal guide and coach on your journey to unlocking your innate wisdom around food and reconnecting with a healthier relationship with your body.

The integrative support I offer draws on various modalities including an evidence-based approach to eating for self-care called Intuitive Eating Counselling, Nutritional Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, holistic health coaching, and body image healing.

In practice, this transformative approach involves making liberating and positive shifts through:

  • Empowered learning ~ Together we look at fresh ideas about food, body wisdom, and the science behind your eating habits, and explore the best tools and practices to help you move forward. You will also receive personalised nutritional guidance where it feels helpful and supportive.

  • Empathetic reflection ~ This is your time to pause and gently explore your relationships with food and body image, and enhance self-understanding. With curiosity and self-compassion, we’ll make space for meaningful insights to emerge, free from judgement.

  • Embodied experience ~ A key part of this work is about actively feeling your way back into a more intuitive, connected approach to nourishment and self-care. Skill building includes practicing newly acquired tools and using your experiences to grow and move forward with self-kindness, self-trust and flexibility.


The Gut Reaction Method™ ~ Supporting Seven Core Dynamics of a Healthy Relationship with Food and Your Body:


My holistic framework, The Gut Reaction Method™ underpins all Food and Body Confidence Programmes. This provides an enlightening lens through which to support positive change in seven core dynamics of a healthy relationship with food and your body.

At the outset of all programmes, we hold an exploratory Mind-Body-Food Review and Health Mapping Session to discuss the challenges you’re facing, your aspirations and create a roadmap for the journey ahead.

Each person’s journey is entirely unique, but in Reconnect and Realign we explore all of the seven dynamics, and in Refocus, just the one or two that are most significant to you at this time.

Together we distil the actions you want to take in-between sessions, which usually includes reflective self-enquiry, reading, and the implementation of various tools and practices.

Follow your GUT,

not a diet plan

I’m a Behavioural Eating Specialist with a professional background as a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (DipNut, mBANT, rCNHC) and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, and over ten years’ clinical experience.

A peaceful relationship with food is not achieved by following diet plans - it requires you to build trust in your body and in yourself. Let me help you on your path towards a life filled with more vitality, and physical, mental and emotional freedom around food and your body.

Whilst my aspiration for you is that you can breeze through your days feeling at peace with your food choices and at ease in your body, this type of personalised coaching is an opportunity to change your life in ways you might not have imagined yet…

Imagine a peaceful relationship between mind, body and food…

~ ending the struggle with binge-restrict cycles, emotional eating, and cravings

~ finding more satisfaction, pleasure, and inspiration in food

~ the freedom and self-assurance that come from being more attuned to your body and making food choices that serve you

~ reclaiming the time and energy spent on dieting, food obsession, and calorie counting

~ prioritising self-care without guilt for putting yourself first

~ growing body confidence as negative self-talk softens

~ nourishing your body and mind with meaningful practices for lasting health

~ focusing on what truly matters in life, beyond the scale

~ living with newfound energy, self-trust, inner peace and self-understanding

I feel proud and powerfully engaged with who I am, of the changes I’ve intuitively made and feel able to face the future in a calmer, healthier & more colourful way.
— Penny Macrae
Sarah’s coaching brought out the best in me, and reminded me that self-care is crucial to maintaining balance in my life.
— Eleni S, New York
It was obvious from our first consultation that she’s genuinely motivated by helping people to find physical and holistic wellbeing and will do anything she can to help make that possible.
— Steve Chamberlain


  • This is for you if you are seeking to build a more peaceful, self-compassionate and stable relationship with food and your body, and are looking for professional, holistic support to help you redefine your approach to eating and create positive shifts related to eating behaviour.

    It will be of particular benefit to you if you struggle with some of the following challenges: emotional eating, serial dieting and weight cycling, dieting burnout, binge-restrict patterns, food preoccupation, nutrition overwhelm, mid-life body changes, or poor body image.

    The approach draws on various coaching techniques, practical strategies, education, as well as supports the emotional aspects of food and body concerns. However, it is not a psychological intervention, nor I do diagnose or treat mental health concerns.

    If you have any doubts or questions, or would benefit from a Zoom video call first, please do contact me for a no-obligation friendly chatand we talk things through.

    These programmes will not be right for you at this time if you:

    • have a severe history of eating disorders, have an active eating disorder, or suspect you have, and are engaging in high-risk behaviours such as gastroparesis, purging, or medication abuse

    • severely struggle with mental illnesses like extreme depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or suicidal thoughts

    • are only focused on aesthetic goals or reaching a specific weight loss goal

    • want a quick fix that is fast and easy. My programme involves exploring new concepts, self-reflection and changing old habits - it’s multifaceted and non-linear work

    • are not open to an holistic approach to nutrition

    • have no time to work on the reflective exercises or to practice any of the concepts or tools in between session

  • Whilst there is a framework to these programmes, it is a personalised process, so the total time investment can look quite different for each client.

    As well as consultation time together, you need to be ready, willing and able to commit time outside of consultations to engage with any reflective exercises assigned and implement the tools or practices in order to get the most from this work during our time together and beyond.e

    Together we will make sure the pace you move through the elements of your programme is suitable for you, as I am respectful that individuals embrace change at different paces and am very mindful that changes must be manageable for this work to be effective.

    I also appreciate that during the course of a programme other life/work events or holidays may pop up, so I am flexible when we need to extend the time between appointments to accommodate.

  • Yes! My support is centred around you - so if you come into the programme with any pre-diagnosed conditions or concerns, then we will work through how you best support your body in a manageable, meaningful way with personalised nutrition recommendations.

    Health concerns I can help support include:
    - Gastrointestinal problems including IBS, IBDs, bloating, heartburn
    - Fatigue
    - Metabolic health and blood sugar
    - Stress, anxiety, mood, concentration
    - Hormone imbalances
    - Menopause

    If through our personalised exploration of your health, we recognise that it would be helpful to your journey to get deeper insights into physiological imbalances at play, then I can advise on functional tests that could help further tailor our nutritional approach.

    There a now hundreds of studies demonstrate that Intuitive Eating, which is central to my coaching approach, has many positive health outcomes like:

    • improved cholesterol levels

    • lower stress levels

    • increased energy

    • improved mental health

    • lower eating disorder occurrence

    • improved body awareness

    • enhanced self-esteem

    • improved level of happiness

    Studies have also shown that intuitive eaters have improved metabolism and improved cholesterol levels.

  • Yes! Improving your relationship with food and better connecting with your body can have very positive effects on your gut health and digestion too.

    It’s not uncommon for people who are chronic dieters or have erratic eating habits, to struggle with gut-related symptoms or conditions like IBS.

    I have a special interest in gut health and IBS and will provide you with additional specific lifestyle modifications, gentle nutrition practices and supplement recommendations to support you naturally too.

    If your gut health issues feel really challenging or complex and are your number one concern and priority at this time, you may wish to check out my Rebalance programme.

  • I respect body diversity and my approach is not intended as an intentional weight-loss method, however, many people do experience changes to their weight, shape or size during programmes and beyond.

    Importantly, all improve body image and discover what it means to find a healthy natural weight range for their body. This is where your body naturally settles when your relationship with food feels balanced, when you’re consistently honouring your hunger and fullness cues, eating in response to physical and emotional needs, and engaging in regular, joyful movement.

    While it is natural to have concerns about weight or health, weight-focussed approaches are unsustainable and may be part of the reason why you are here. If you have a weight-loss goal in mind, I invite you to set this aside during a programme with me, so you can fully focus on restoring a positive, healthy relationship with food and your body first.

  • I am passionate about helping my clients find the balance between eating for health and eating for satisfaction. It is about gently practising nutrition from a place of self-care, not self-control.

    Along your journey, I may share some positive, evidence-based nutritional guidance to help cut through the ‘nutrition noise’ of the dieting and wellness worlds and help you explore what’s right for you when it comes to nutrition and eating for personal wellness. 

    Where beneficial, I may make more specific personal suggestions for dietary adaptions and nutritional supplements to support any physical health concerns you have. We can also access tests that reveal deficiencies and imbalances that relate to mood and gut health, and more.

    The concept of positive nutrition is about ‘adding in’ rather than ‘taking way’. It’s about getting enough of the nutrients we need to thrive and to protect against nutritional deficiencies and blood sugar imbalances, and to support a happy gut. 

    So no foods are ‘banned’ and, far from being a set of food rules (the very last thing you need), my guidance will be balanced, practical and flexible, promoting dietary diversity and incorporating health-enhancing whole foods in a creative, personal way.  

  • My approach is designed to help people who want to improve their relationship with food, are feeling stuck or stressed about food, and may be struggling with disordered eating behaviours such as serial dieting, occasional bingeing, emotional overeating, and food and body preoccupation.

    If you are engaging in high-risk behaviours such as gastroparesis, purging, or medication abuse, have an active eating disorder, or suspect you have, then this programme will not be right for you at the moment.

    I am currently developing my professional expertise to support people with eating disorders but, at this time, I encourage you to discuss your situation with a medical professional and seek the support of another specialist in this area.

  • My professional background includes:

    • Diploma in Nutritional Therapy

    • Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

    • Completed various health coaching trainings drawing on NLP, CBT and mindfulness and extensive trainings in ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Training)

    • Psychological Approaches to Obesity (National Centre for Eating Disorders)

    • Certified Food & Spirit™ practitioner

    • Associate member of Patrick Holford's Zest4Life

    • Member of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (mBANT)

    • Member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (mCNHC).

      You can find full details here

  • Through working with hundreds of clients over the past decade, I have evolved a supportive, liberating approach called The Gut Reaction Method™ that harnesses the power of science and my clients' intuition toempower them to break free from troublesome eating patterns, and enjoy a balanced, sustainable relationship between mind, body and food.

    Seven Core Dynamics of a Healthy Relationship with Food and Body underpin my method and are used as basis for all Food and Body Confidence programmes, providing an enlightening, holistic lens and intuitive roadmap through which to understand and address your food and body challenges.

    The seven dynamics provide scope for us to address mindset, emotional, somatic, nutritional, practical and spiritual connections impacting eating behaviours and body respect.

    Having observed how people’s experiences with food and eating correlate with imbalances in their major energy centres, the chakra system provides a framework for The Gut Reaction Method™.

    Many clients love touching upon the chakra dimension in this work (as it speaks to an underlying belief that human beings are multidimensional, consisting of body, mind, and spirit), however, learning about the chakras is not an essential part of my programmes and nor does it determines the success of your journey towards a better relationship with food and your body.

    Please do talk to me if you’d like to understand more.

  • I understand why you might be unsure. Online nutrition coaching is a relatively new thing.

    Rest assured, the support you will receive is no different to what I would provide in a clinic setting. Plus, online support has the added bonus of being super convenient for you.

  • During your programme you will radically shift old perspectives around food and your body, and learn a liberating and life-long new approach, however, the very nature of this work means that you will need to continue to engage with and ingrain many of the practices on an ongoing basis.

    Once you’ve completed your programme, easy access to my information and support services is available on an ongoing basis should you require it, to help you maintain commitment to your new approach and habits. Or, if we need to, we can spend more time working on any aspects of your relationship with food or delve further into nutritional therapy. We will decide what this support looks likes together.

Let’s do this together


A personalised Food & Body Confidence Programme is ideal for those who are ready to create lasting change in how they approach eating, and redefine how they relate to and care for their body.

If this is you, I’d love to talk to you about the challenges you’re experiencing, clarify the changes you’d like to experience, and make sure we’re a good fit to work together.

Take your next step by scheduling a call/video call through the link below and completing the short enquiry form. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Not quite readY?

This comprises an enlightening, holistic assessment of your relationship with food, health, and lifestyle; creation of a health and habits ‘roadmap’; personalised recommendations and resources to support a positive shift in your approach to nourishment straight away; and a follow-up session to support your progress.

This is the place to start if you want brief but intensive support to help get you started; or are uncertain about committing to a full programme and would like to test the water first. The price can be taken off the price of any programme you embark on.

“I’d love to help you transform how you relate to food and your body, so you can spend less time worrying about them - and more time energised and enjoying what matters to you most in life.”
— Sarah Grant, Gut Reaction