I'm really glad you found this ebook because I understand all too well, both personally and professionally, how chronic tummy troubles can be incredibly frustrating and impact quality of life.
Plus, you’ll find a handful of tasty, easy, gut-nourishing recipes.
Please feel free to email me with your feedback on this guide to enjoy 10% off any of Gut Reaction's services or tests. I’d love to hear from you.
Sarah Grant
Behavioural Eating Specialist and Nutritionist (mBANT, CNHC)
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At Gut Reaction, I take a mind and body approach to nutrition and wellbeing. If you’re ready for personalised nutritional support, we can explore the factors contributing to underlying imbalances in your digestive health and look at personalised nutritional strategies to help you rebalance, but you will also acquire the tools and skills you need to develop helpful, nourishing eating and self-care habits that support your health and wellbeing in the long-run. Take a look at my Rebalance programme as it might be what you need to start eating and living with more ease, energy and enjoyment.