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Don’t we all need colour in our lives right now?

I’m putting together this 21-Day Food & Mood Challenge to help us keep our spirits lifted and our bodies well nourished, so we can aim to head into Christmas and 2021 feeling more vibrant and with a sense of inner balance.

The link between physical health and what we eat is well understood, but what we eat has a huge impact on our mood too. And the relationship is two-way - how we feel impacts food choices.

Of course, managing a mood disorder such as depression is complex and there’s no one-size-fits all solution. But various pathways connect our stomachs to our brains so putting nutritious foods, particularly colourful plant-based ones!, into our systems may be one way we can all help ourselves when it comes to enhancing mood.


This is a challenge in the lightest sense - it’s not competitive and you can’t fail!

My aims are to help you develop a better understanding of the importance of eating across the colour spectrum and how it may help you improve your mood, as well as your gut health, immune function and beyond. And, to inspire you to take some simple but effective steps to supporting your mood through your own diet and self-care.

The emphasis is on positive nutrition - which means it’s all about what you put into your daily diet, and there’s no rule book around what to avoid.

I will however share some of the secrets of intuitive eaters and how to make mindful food choices, even when you’re feeling blue and might be prone to turning to food for comfort.

“... DO IT! I feel better for it in so many ways. It’s about putting you first and getting in balance”
— Rachel (a participant of a similar programme)

Ready to join us? I hope so! You’ve got two options:

Free Access - what’s included:

  • Access to a dedicated, supportive Facebook group with 21-days of simple, fun nutritional and foodie tips based around rainbowed eating, plus community inspiration, mini challenges and motivation

  • You’ll also learn all about the science behind the food and mood connection as we go.

£21 Full Access - what’s included:

If you’d like to get more involved, then for £21 you will have access to everything listed above, plus some amazing downloadable tools that I often use with my 1-2-1 clients, to help you on your Food & Mood journey during the course of the challenge and beyond:

  • A Personal Mood Check Questionnaire

  • A Colourful Foods Weekly Tracker for your fridge

  • Rainbow Eating Recipe eBooklet and planning template - with over 50 colourful, plant-powered vegetarian recipes that are adaptable for vegans or meat eaters, gluten free, and can be scaled-up to feed partners and families. Pick and choose from breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks in the knowledge they are all well-balanced, nutritious and take 15-20 minutes max to prepare

  • Phytonutrient Power eBooklet to understand the health benefits that different colourful plant compounds bring to your body

  • A Food & Feelings Journalling Template to help you get ‘in tune’ with how your mood affects your food choices and how food makes you feel.

AND an invitation to a 30-minute personal Making & Breaking Eating Habits’ session with me on Zoom.

These resources (real value is over £70) will be available to download and emailed to you immediately and I’ll be talking more about them on the Facebook group!

If you’d prefer to pay by bank transfer, simply pop your email address here and I'll send you Gut Reaction's details. Thank you.


  • This challenge will officially run from Wednesday 11th November to Wednesday 2nd December 2020. The Facebook group will only stay live for a limited time during the course of the challenge.

  • All the resources in the £21 Full Access package are non-refundable. Access to digital resources is via download and via an email which will be sent to you on completion of your purchase. Emails will go to the email address you use when you pay.

  • Information provided during the challenge and in related resources is for educational purposes only and does not constitute personalised nutrition or medical advice. If you have any personal nutritional requirements including food allergies or intolerances, it is your responsibility to consider this in your food choices. If you have any medical conditions, it is advisable you talk to your GP before starting this challenge.

And, if you have questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact me here.



In case we haven’t met, I’m Sarah, a registered Nutritional Therapist & Wellbeing Coach.

At Gut Reaction, I take a mind and body approach to nutrition and wellbeing. If you’d like to learn more about what I do and my approach, start here.