I’ve created this ebook to help those of you who are struggling with stress eating - to:
Help you make sense of what’s going on and give you some peace of mind;
Provide three effective strategies to help you start shifting an unhelpful pattern of stress-related emotional eating;
Plus, discover more about yourself and your mind-body wellbeing along the way.
Please email me with your feedback on this guide to enjoy 10% off any of Gut Reaction's one-to-one services or tests. I’d love to hear from you.
Sarah Grant
Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner & Behavioural Eating Specialist (mBANT, CNHC)
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If you’d like personalised guidance and support because your relationship with food or your body is contributing to your stress and anxieties right now, then a Food and Body Confidence programme might be what you need to reclaim ownership of your eating habits, and start nourishing your body and mind with confidence.