6 weeks & 6 top tips to WOW them this Xmas

6 weeks & 6 top tips to WOW them this Xmas

Sparkle-up for the party season by making these simple changes to your habits.

  1. Create a powerful vision in your mind of yourself enjoying yourself sparkling and shining this Christmas. Who are you with? What are you doing? Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want, and creating a clear vision of this will help make your goals more real and move you towards them more quickly and easily.

  2. For me, breakfast can help set the tone for the rest of the day - so if you also know that breakfast helps you get off to the best possible, then make this a focus for the next six weeks. Perhaps start with a glass of water with hot lemon followed by a nourishing, 'feel good' breakfast based on protein rich foods, good fats and slow-releasing carbs. Gut Reaction favourites are eggs or avocado on toast, or greek yogurt or porridge oats with nuts, mixed seeds and berries. 

  3. Stress and lack of sleep have a massive impact on our wellbeing. So to get a Christmas party glow, start looking at ways you can ditch the stress and increase your sleeping hours. They often go hand in hand, so deal with one and it is likely that you will get the other sorted too. Name one thing you can do to start improving your sleep or stress levels right away.

  4. Keep your main meals well balanced, incorporating plenty of grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, millet or brown rice and challenge yourself to add in more veggies everyday so that half your plate is loaded with colourful veg and leafy greens at lunch and dinner times.

  5. To help keep your gut happy and you regular, add in my favourite gut-friendly foods. Go for very small amounts initially if you’re not used to eating these foods:

    • Sauerkraut - for its hit of beneficial bacteria. No time to make your own, then try this one.  

    • Gelatin powder - add a sprinkling to soups, smoothies or hot drinks for its gut supportive amino acid profile.

    • Flax seed - reputed for their combination of fibre and omega 3 content, daily use of flaxseed has been shown to improve gut bacteria and insulin sensitivity in overweight women. Add 1-2 tablespoons of milled or crushed flax seeds to smoothies, over breakfast foods or incorporate in home baking recipes.

  6. Consume mindfully. Whatever you choose to eat or drink in the lead-up to Christmas, whether it be a glass of wine or a smoothie, do it for your personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Take your time, savour the moment and enjoy!

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